Saturday, December 4, 2010

Deoksugung palace in Seoul - Changing of the guard.

The fruit and food stands out in the streets are plentiful - These apples were AMAZING

A top the fortress wall (700 years+) high above Daejeon
Andrew gets double the workout as 1/2 of our family members refuse to walk...

Look at Anja's determination - She is one TOUGH cookie - No one will mess with her!

Hi Everyone - Sorry it has taken us so long to update. At one point this summer, we thought that keeping a blog would be easy and we would have more time in Korea...We have been proven wrong once again.
We are doing fine. Can't believe it is December 5th. We just came back from a church potluck which was scrumptious. We have been busy, busy, busy. We are trying to keep up with school. Andrew's grades are due this week and mine after break. We have final exams week after next. It will all get done, but at times we don't know how. Ailsa has been doing gymnastics 3 days a week. Lukas is going through wrestling withdrawal, but has plenty of studying to do. Anja's social calendar is booked with weekend birthday parties and sleepovers. She is also perfecting her kicks in Tae Kwon Do. Lonne is busy climbing trees, running, birthday partying - yelling....among other activities. Andrew and I try to run after and keep things as quiet as possible. We have also been trying to dedicate some time on the weekends to trek around this HUGE city we live in. The mountains are gorgeous- so we have been doing some exploring/hiking - enjoying the physical exercise and great views -the weather here is quite mild - no snow and on average around 50 degrees F. It is nice!
Christmas is right around the corner so we are preparing the kids for school Christmas concerts and church programs which may include reading bible verses in front of church - Anja is reading the Holy Bible every night in preparation. As Ailsa was questioning her process, Anja responded... "Well what if we have to say 'Ecclesiastes' 'or something like that??? I don't want to mess up in front of the WHOLE church!" It was pretty cute.
My sister and family are coming in a week so we are busy decorating (Korean style...) and are excited. We will travel around Deajeon and also to Seoul. On Christmas morn we are heading off for an adventure in Thailand -(with my sister and niece and nephew...unfortunately, my brother-in-law has to head home Christmas day.) We will spend 8 days in Bangkok, Phuket and an island off of Phuket -we are very excited and very fortunate. Anyway - until then it is survival.
We miss all of you over the holidays. Friends and Family are so important. We are excited about the opportuntities to do some orphanage visits here and help some less fortunate individuls have a warm Christmas. We are thinking of you all - snuggle up and enjoy the season. Pray for Peace here in Korea and all over! We haven't felt the politics here in Daejeon, but we know that the Korean people are really feeling stressed and are hurting. Everyones' hopes for a unified country seem farther away these days - we are praying that a sense of calmness and peace is established and there can be discussions on bringing the countries together.
We will try to update as we can - Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers this holiday season! Take Care - LALALA

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