Friday, November 18, 2011

Hello from South Korea - Fall 2011

Hello! Just wanted to give an update of how we are doing! This fall has been very busy at school. Liisa has been busy with four different preps at school along with many activities including make-up crew for fall play, assistant cheerleading coach, coach for dance crew, and also advises three students clubs. I have been busy teaching, coaching girls middle school soccer, and always organizing schedules/tournaments as the MS Activities Coordinator. Due to this schedule, we haven't been able to do too much traveling on the weekends. We are looking forward to John/Leah and Christian/Abby visiting us over Christmas break. We will show them around Korea for a few days and then head to Vietnam for 10 days. The kids have been busy with school and activities. I attached a few pictures of the family in "action" below. Lukas is doing well in school and has been on the TCIS middle school soccer team - he was thrilled to be selected to the "All-Star" team and competed in an extra tournament at the end of the season. School has also been going well for Ailsa. She was on the elementary cross-country team, continues to attend gymnastics, and recently began playing the flute. This week she performed a gymnastics routine at our school to over 400 people for an APAC ceremony. Anja LOVES school, Tae Kwon Do, and also has enjoyed being in science club/cooking club after school. This past week she "earned" her yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do. Lonne is Lonne - enjoys school, running around campus, and attending all of his siblings events. Take care and hope everyone at home has a great Thanksgiving!

Family Pics-Fall 2011

This past week Anja passed her test in Tae Kwon Do and is now a "yellow" belt. I feel much safer now walking the streets with Anja!

We were able to find a used bike for Lonne and he enjoys riding around the neighborhood.

Lukas in "action" during a soccer tournament in Seoul.

Liisa and I "dressed" up for "tacky day" during spirit week at TCIS. Liisa is wearing her Packers bandana - now that is "tacky"!

Ailsa is being carried around in a traditional Korean "Marriage Carriage" at a traditional village that we visited a few weekends ago.