Friday, October 22, 2010

Go Ail!

Check out that speed and the socks - he is as goofy as ever!

TCIS UNITED - This was before they actually played ha/ha///

All the teams from TCIS -
(organized by Andrew! -A true photo op.)

And last - The Chicken truck - I know it seems a bit random -but after a long week - the chicken guy sets up camp outside of our apartment and we feast....It's all good!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gilberts! We all miss you here...and have been following along with the family blog...Looks like everyone is having quite the time.

    Kristin and Becky have been holding down the fort and it has kept them both very busy... :)

    David B,Tim D,Dana M and I are headed to Beijing and Fujian on Thursday with the China Bridge for American Schools Delegation. We'll be there for a week learning about and visiting Chinese Schools--we've already learned lesson #1. Expect the unexpected...we'll let you know how that goes.

    Let us know if you need anything from us here is Minnesota...Cathy
