Monday, August 23, 2010

Here we are trying to buy school supplies - These are some of the streets right out from our campus. Notice the bandage on Anja's head...She had a little run-in with the water drinking machine and burned her forehead...hmmmm......

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a FUN neighborhood...actually looks like your garage at home...has "Boo" shown up yet? WOW - I know it is tough for you to add picts, but boy do we love them back home...seeing you guys really makes me miss you more! Beauty the Bird is a crazy little singer & my new buddy here at my place...Ailsa should know that the bird is in VERY good hands...he goes nuts when I walk in the door and flies all over my house...for some reason he loves my closet with my clothes...funny little guy and he squeeks HI! Miss you guys & glad to SEE you are doing well. Christian
